
Fwd: stpa - week 5- morality and public admin

日期: 2013年9月30日
收件人: CHAN CHEUK WAH <cwchan@ipm.edu.mo>
標題: stpa - week 5- morality and public admin

morality and public amdin

five perspectives

a/ utilitariansim -- utility, majority, see the good quantified outcomes,
benefits for majority as an end for moral action

b/ Kant's virtue of life, freedom, dignity, obligation, end-in-itself and morality of humans;
honesty as essential and for all conditions;
life as an end in itself - could not be sacrified for any reason -- unless voluntary for saving the nation;
value of life could not be quantified;

c/ liberalism -- individual freedom as essential value, mutual consent, free as I want , life control by myself, self-interest;
government and institutions as monster,
i have the right to keep my wealth; i have the right to be free from so many rules and regulations -- e.g. safety belt regulation;
euthanasia; legal or not ?

baby or life as a goods ?

d/ social justice -- Rawls -- veil of ignorance
no one would want to be the minority [be sacrified] -- utilitarian condition is not so good;
no one would like to be the loser in a free market -- liberalism is not so kind to the weak;

basic social welfare and education for all;
differential treatments

inborn talents are a common good -- share some of your talent to others.

e/ communitarism
you belong to a nation/community
duty and benefit
no man is an island

inherit, succeed wisdom and wealth
value and knowledge

responsibility to the family, community, ethic group, nation, the world.


Immanuel Kant
enlightenment, 18th century

what is the freedom of human beings ?

self-autonomy, self-discipline

what is the difference between human and animals ?
seek joy and avoid pain

free from desire and materialistic logics

free to do the right things

moral value as internal element

the virtue -- courage, consistence, self-control, honesty, integrity, respect the life of beings, mean/temperance/balance;
no indulgence;

behave in according to obligation as the end -- not instrumental , not as a means

no killing, no stealing, no lies, keep your promise, help the weak;

base on Reason, rationality, uniform across all humans;

self-initiated obilgations -- conscience

do not deceive others

do not give up your own life

do help those in need

do develop yourself


categorical imperative - obligation order -- as an end in itself -- e.g. love your wife
authentic morality

hypothetical imperative -- good behaviour as a means for some purposes

moral obligations -- apply to all human taking actions and without leading to contradiction ;
e.g. stealing
e.g. gambling

well being for the whole society


moral as respect -- life as an end-in-itself
life has an internal value

e.g. see the doctor for medical treatment -- doctor as a means for your health condition -- with the consent of doctor -- fine, moral;

ask  the doctor to write sick leave certificate [but you are not sick] -- wrong -- you treat the doctor as a means for your bad motive , and a good doctor would not do that ;


Kant's notion of morality -- rationalism

utilitarianism -- empiricism/ experientialism

Kant -- moral behaviours depend on motives, not the consequences;


From - 陳卓華博士/Dr. Sunny Chan

