
Week 2 and week 3 lecture notes

Week 2 and week 3 lecture notes
-- selected topics in social sciences- lecture note - Dr Sunny Chan

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觀看哈佛教授 Michael sandel 網上課堂:正義論,共十二課,之後,二人一組,寫一篇課後報告,勾畫出其主要爭論點,以及你的見解。約一千至二千字,2_2_2012 呈交。

What is a social problem?
(參考,徐震、李明政等著,2000,<社會問題>, 台北:學富文化事業。)
It is an alleged situation that is incompatible with the values of a significant number of people who agree that action is needed to alter the situation.

Seven perspectives [Earl Rubington and M.S. Weinberg]

1/ social pathology perspective –社會病理學觀點
1.1/ Definition of a social problem -- It is a violation of moral expectations.
It is a bad and 'sick' situation when persons or situations that diverge from moral expectations of the majority in a society; e.g. Killing, stealing。
1.2/ causes – it is caused by failure in socialization.
Ineffective socialization by agents; but moral rules exist;
Or, as a result of wrong values being learned;
1.3/ conditions – the defective, dependent and delinquent classes tended to perpetuate themselves through inbreeding; like infected diseases;
Social environment as the important condition contributing to social pathology; like dirty environment with bacteria;
Bad sub-culture; population density。social disease。
1.4/ consequences – downgrading the morality of a society; dehumanization;
Vicious cycle;
1.5/ solutions – moral education, re-socialization.

2/ social disorganization perspective 社會解組觀點
2.1/ society is a system – a complex dynamic whole whose parts are coordinated;
When events change one part of the system, there is a corresponding need for adjustment in other parts;
Social disorganization refers to lack of adjustment, or poor adjustment, between parts.
Definition – a failure of rules;
Normlessness – no rules exist on how to act; outer space exploration;
Culture conflict – at least two opposing sets of rules exist on how to act; in such situations, persons who act in terms of one set of expectations may in so doing violate another set of expectations; e.g. religions and politics; cloning;
Breakdown – rules exist, but conformity to them either fails to produce the promised rewards or yields punishments instead; e.g. capitalism and working class;
2.2/ causes – rapid social change; The parts of the social system get out of tune with one another;
2.3/ conditions – technical, demographic, or cultural changes;
2.4/ consequences – for persons, social disorganization produces stress;
Mental illness, alcoholism;
For the system, it may be changed; Or break down.
2.5/ solutions – technical changes can be slowed down;
Effect can be done to push some parts into equilibrium.

3/ value conflict perspective [Marxist approach] 價值衝突理論
3.1/ Definition – social problems are conditions that are incompatible with the values of some group whose members succeed in publicizing a call for action; e.g. green movement, feminist movement, labor movement;
3.2/ Causes – conflict of interests; e.g. capitalists v.s. labor;
Different groups with different interests; open opposition;
3.3/ condition -- groups in competition for power and resources; 大 地產商 vs 無殼蝸牛。民進黨 vs 國民黨
3.4/ consequences~ may be lost of political power,More work of groups to clarify their values。
3.5\ solutions ~ consensus , trading, naked power。

4\ 偏差行為理論 deviant behavior theory
4.1\ Definition - social problems reflect violations of normative expectations.
Behavior or situations that depart from norms are deviant.
4.2\ causes - inappropriate socialization in primary group relations.
4.3\ conditions - little opportunity for learning conventional ways,
Rich opportunity for learning deviant ways,
Low opportunity for achieving legitimate goals,
Stress feeling and access to deviant mode of relief.
4.4/ consequence - costly to society, destructive,
But, Negative role models will be punished.
4.5/ solution - re-socialization,
Increase meaningful primary group contact.

5\ 標籤理論 labeling theory
5.1/ definition - social problem is defined by social reactions to an alleged violation of rules or expectations.
Focusing on the conditions under which behaviors or situations come to be defined as problematic.
5.2/ causes - attention it receives from the public or from social control agents,
5.3/ conditions - the labeler is usually in a position to gain by affixing such a label.
E.g. Social control agents, journalists, professionals.
Sometimes, people may label themselves, for some special gain, e.g. Mental illness For no guilty in crime.
5.4/ consequences - after labeling, it leads to a re-ordering of human relations in a way that promotes further deviance "secondary deviance".
Less life chance, more prejudice.
5.5/ solutions - taking the profit out of labeling.
No gain for the labeler.

6\ 批判理論 critical perspective (Marxist, neo-Marxist)
6.1\ Definition - A social problem is a situation that develops out of the exploitation of the working class.
6•2\ Causes of social problems - the form of social organization that capitalist society produces causes a wide range of social problems.
Capitalists sustain poverty and make and enforce rules in their own interests.
6•3\ Conditions affecting _ extent and severity of class domination and class conflict, working class consciousness, fluctuations in the business cycle.
Eg. Crime rate and economic downturn.
6•4\ Solutions - political activism, political reform, revolution, classless society, social equality.

7 / 社會建構理論 social constructionism
7•1\ definition - social problems are conditions that have become culturally defined as troublesome, widespread, changeable, and in need of change.
7•2\ Causes - the problem-defining activities people engage in as they seek a redress of grievances.
7•3\ Conditions - the process involving interaction between complainants, as initiators, and old or new agencies, as responders to their demands for redress.
7•4\ Consequences - depending on the clarity of definition, strategy of gaining attention, relative power of complainants, and the agencies from which they seek redress.
7•5\ Solution - silent


Sent from Dr Sunny Chan 陳卓華博士
tel +853-66357631

